Curriculum Webs
What do we offer?
- We have 60 full time Reception class places.
- We have two Reception classes; Class 1 and Class 2.
- The school day begins at 8:40 and ends at 3:15 Monday - Friday.
- Children can have a school dinner or bring a packed lunch.
- Reception classes are part of our main school building and is very much a part of our wider school.
Within the school day the children will have opportunities to;
- take part in whole class and small group learning sessions'
- play with friends and adults both indoors and outdoors,
- access adult led learning activities,
- share snack times and lunch times together,
- enjoy stories, rhymes, singing, dancing and talking with adults and friends.
The Reception children are organised into two classes for their register and some of their learning activities. Each class is then split into 2 key groups. The children will enjoy small group times and special experiences with their key group, but will also have many opportunities to access the whole learning space so that they can play, explore and meet up with members from other groups and the other class too.
What can you expect in our Reception classrooms?
Our Reception classrooms are newly renovated and provide bright, modern and homely spaces which are a continuation from Nursery.
Children come from our own Nursey setting and children from many other settings come together to form our two Reception classes.
The transition from Nursery into Reception can be a big one for some children but we pride ourselves on our pastoral care and the nurturing environment we provide.
Our experienced staff are able to deliver an exciting and stimulating curriculum which will ensure the children are prepared to move into Year 1. Mastering Number, Super Sonic Phonic Friends and Commando Joe's are just a few of the programs which ensure the curriculum we deliver meets the needs of the children, challenges and inspires them.
The children access a range of indoor and outdoor learning experiences across each day
Our indoor areas include:
- nature shelves
- role play and dressing up
- talk for writing
- a reading area
- sand and water play
- a home corner
- a curiosity cube
- construction
- an art area
- a Maths area
We are proud of our Reception classes and welcome prospective parents to see for themselves. Please call the school office to arrange a visit.