Uniform Information
Uniform at Westerhope Primary School
Our school uniform
All year round:
- Black or grey school trousers, school skirt or school dress (not tracksuit bottoms)
- Skirts and dresses must be of an appropriate length so children can sit comfortably on the floor
- Black leggings, with no branding, may be worn as an alternative
- A plain yellow polo shirt OR a yellow polo shirt with the school logo
- A purple sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo on or a plain school sweatshirt or cardigan with no logo
- Black school shoes, black trainers or plain black, flat ankle boots (converse style shoes or boots are not in line with school policy).
- If tights are worn, they should be opaque.
Summer Options:
- Black or grey school shorts
- Purple or yellow check summer dress or playsuit
- Sandals may be worn but they must be closed in at the toes for safety.
PE Kit:
- Plain black tracksuit bottoms, leggings or shorts in the summer with no obvious branding
- Black school PE hoodie or the purple school sweatshirt or cardigan
- A plain white crew neck T-Shirt (no branding) or the yellow or white school PE T-Shirt
- PE trainers should be practical sports trainers, not fashion trainers. They should be dark or white with no obvious branding or bright colours.
If you are unsure about if school footwear is in line with the school policy please send a photo to school admin before you purchase so we can let you know.
Children may come into school in their PE kit on their PE days therefore it is important the children maintain the same high standards for their PE kit as they do for the rest of their school uniform.
Makeup and Hair:
- Makeup or nail varnish should not be worn in school
- No false nails
- Hair should be appropriate for school which is at the discretion of the Headteacher
- Hair should not cover your child’s face when working or they will be asked to tie it back.
- Long hair must be tied back for PE
- Only small studs in ears can be worn and these must be removed before coming to school on PE days.
- Watches may be worn but smart watches should not receive notifications during the school day.
- School do not accept responsibility for the safety of watches or jewellery worn at school.