We are the Pupil Committee and Kindness Ambassadors!
Our Mission!
Please read why we wanted to become Pupil Committee members!
5.3.24 A New School Prayer!
We drafted our own school prayers and each edited them to make a group one. We look forward to sharing it in whole school assembly on Friday!
14.2.24 Valentine's Board
We loved coming up with the idea of having a Valentine's Board in school for the week of Valentine's. Children in school were invited to write things that they love about school and their friends on a love heart and attach it to the school board. We look forward to sharing them together and seeing what the highlights of school life are in our school community.
16.1.24 Blue Monday!
We made a 'Blue Monday Mindfulness' board to brighten up January at Westerhope.
The board encourages children in school to 'check in' with how they are feeling. Each pupil committee member decorated a cloud which explained their favourite self care activity.
The aim was to share ideas and encourage children in school to do the same. We also selected our favourite mindfulness activities from a happiness activity book and made a bank of them for children to take.
21.12.23 A huge thank you!
A shout out to our parents, carers and children for all of the outdoor wear donations for the homeless and vulnerable this year. We have had bags and bags of donations so thank you for your kindness!
12.12.23 Care home cards!
We made Christmas cards for a local care home today. We have also sent out an invitation to the whole school to make some so we have lots to deliver!
12.12.23 Sharing Kindness
One of our wonderful Pupil Committee members brought in a kindness book filled with lots of kind activities for us to work on in the new year.
We populated the '12 Days of Kindness' calendar with our individual ideas. Miss Forster then collated the ideas to create a whole school calendar. This will be displayed in each classroom and on our pupil committee kindness display.
Each class will work through the different acts of kindness during December.
We have a new kindness activity station located near our whole Pupil Committee display.
Children in school are invited to take part in a kindness activity which they can find here.
This week everyone is invited to make a Christmas card which will be delivered to the charity, 52 Lives by Mrs Hay.
We had lots of fun getting into the festive spirit whilst decorating the whole school Christmas tree!
We made Christmas bauble decorations with the messages 'I can light up the world with kindness by...'. We brightened up our whole school Pupil Committee display with them.
We took over kindness club and lead the session, helping the younger children to make a kindness card for someone special. Wonderful team work and leadership skills!
The Pupil Committee loved sharing kindness stories with year one during Thursday lunch time. We had lots of kind ideas and interesting discussions about how we can spread kindness around school and our local community.
We made a kindness display for Kindness Week where children could 'Take some kindness'. We wrote kind and uplifting messages on the 'Take some kind words' posters to brighten up the whole school.
Some favourites were 'You are a good friend', 'You are brave' and 'Have a good day'.
We welcomed the new Pupil Committee today.
The children selected had to submit an application form. Well done to our new pupil committee members whose applications were amazing!