Religious Education
At Westerhope Primary School, Religious Education (RE) serves as a vital means for children to explore and understand the world through the lens of faith. Our curriculum is designed to foster an appreciation for diversity, cultures, and belief systems, encouraging pupils to ask profound questions about their own beliefs and those of others. Through the study of religious and non-religious worldviews, we aim to equip children with the knowledge, understanding, and confidence to engage with various aspects of human experience, including the religious, spiritual, cultural, and moral dimensions.
Our RE curriculum is structured based on the Newcastle City Agreed Syllabus 2020-2025. The syllabus reflects the predominant Christian tradition in Great Britain while acknowledging and incorporating teachings and practices from other religions. Through the RE curriculum, pupils are exposed to the diverse range of faiths and worldviews represented in our local and global communities.
Teachers utilise the units of work from the Agreed Syllabus to plan RE lessons, incorporating additional content around religious festivals and holy days. Resources and artefacts enrich teaching and learning experiences. Medium-term plans include opportunities for school visits or visitor engagements to deepen children's understanding of different faiths and worldviews.
In the classroom, RE lessons provide safe and respectful spaces for children to explore their own beliefs, ask questions, and engage in thoughtful discussions about faith and culture. Work produced by children in KS1 is documented in year-group floor books and individual exercise books in KS2.
At Westerhope, we are committed to nurturing a learning environment where children develop respect for diverse beliefs and cultures, cultivate a sense of curiosity about the world, and develop the skills to critically engage with complex issues surrounding faith and spirituality.