Pupil Committee
Meet the Team!
Learn about why we wanted to become pupil committee members!
"I wanted to make a difference and try to make sure that people came into school with a happy face every day."
"I wanted children in school to be kinder to each other. I wanted to be a role model for kindness."
"I wanted people to feel excited about coming to school and teach them that their voice matters no matter what."
"I wanted to make school even better and like seeing my friends at our meetings."
"I wanted to make sure the little ones in our school were enjoying their learning."
"I wanted to try something new and be kind to everyone in school. I also wanted to set up a buddy system."
"I wanted to join because I wanted to be able to improve the school."
"I wanted to do it because I wanted to teach everyone that their voice matters. I wanted to be the voice for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) because sometimes people do not recognise how to help children with SEN."
"I joined the pupil committee because I wanted to make sure that kindness was spread across the school. I wanted to tell everyone that their voice matters no matter who they are. "
"I wanted to improve the school in any possible way that I could and ensure everyone had a friend by setting up a buddy system."
I - "I wanted people to know that if they had an idea about how to make school better, they could post it in the pupil committee box and I would share it at meetings."
11.7.23 Kindness Display!
The kindness club and pupil committee continue to join forces to spread more kindness around school and our community.
We have been making messages of hope and kindness ready for our new whole school kindness display. We can't wait to see how it turns out.
20.6.23 Kindness Planning!
We joined the kindness club today to come together as a team of kindness ambassadors.
We shared ideas for our new kindness and pupil committee board as well as general ideas and approaches for spreading kindness in school.
One of our ideas was to have an interactive 'positive affirmations station' as part of our display where children can take an affirmation or positive quote to brighten their mood.
We enjoyed writing our own affirmation and quote ideas.
20.6.23 Teacher Interviews
The pupil committee made us very proud today with their brilliant questions and enthusiasm whilst interviewing potential candidates for the new teacher post.
Well done, Pupil Committee!
6.6.23 Kindness badges!
We are proud to be the faces of kindness at Westerhope with our new kindness ambassador badges.
16.5.23 Spring has sprung in the Early Years garden!
It was a delight to see the tulips that we planted in the Autumn come to life in our Early Years garden! Ms Blair (our wonderful Nursery Nurse) shared that the Nursery children have been admiring the flowers during their outdoor time and the flowers have brightened up the space.
16.5.23 Urban Green local litter picking event!
A wonderful volunteer, Jo Ellis from the charity, Urban Green facilitated our litter picking event in our local Westerhope Park. The pupil committee had a wonderful time in the sunshine collecting seven bags of rubbish. Items included large cardboard boxes and giant plastic bottles.
Jo kindly said that we are "all part of the green team now".
11.5.23 Baking Enterprise Project
Our cake sale was a success!
After the cost of the ingredients and cake cases were deducted, we raised a total of....£33!
We look forward to sharing what we decide to spend the money on to better school.
25.4.23 Bake Sale Enterprise Project
In the coming weeks, the pupil committee will be busy practising making lots of cakes for our upcoming Year 1 and Year 2 bake sale!
We aim to raise lots of money to further improve our school and continue to work towards our vision!
8.4.23 Meet Westerhope's new Kindness Ambassadors!
As the pupil committee are already such wonderful role models at Westerhope Primary School, they have been selected to be kindness ambassadors too.
Mrs Hay (Teacher and Leader of all things Kindness here at Westerhope) nominated the pupil committee to help her with lots of kindness projects as we move through the year.
They have lots of exciting, kind adventures ahead! 
Westerhope's Uniform Boutique
We quality checked the uniform donations and set up a second hand uniform stand outside of school for parents and carers.
Any money donated was raised for our school charity Heel & Toe.
We made birthday cards for a lady in our community who turned 100 years old.
31.1.23 Lost property and outdoor areas!
We had such a busy afternoon today sorting the lost property into different categories in preparation for the Westerhope Uniform Boutique. We even found unnamed uniform ready to be donated to our onsite clothing recycling bin.
We also tidied and reorganised our year one outdoor area. Some very helpful children restocked the mark making area with art tools and the reading area with lots of new books.
16.1.23 'Brew Monday'
The third Monday of January is known as 'Blue Monday' due to it being deemed the most miserable day of the year. To debunk this myth, our school marked the day by celebrating 'Brew Monday'.
During our pupil committee time, we had our very own 'Brew Tuesday' (we always meet on a Tuesday) and shared some juice and biscuits as we chatted about ideas for the year ahead.
We also made a 'Cup of Kindness' pictures filled with compliments for our teachers to spread kindness and happiness around school.
6.12.22 Outdoor Play and Learn Area
We did a Year 1 outdoor area review today and made a list of things we liked, things that need improving, concerns and new ideas! We are very excited to get started to make some changes.
See below for more information.
22.11.22 Science Pupil Voice!
We helped our Science Expert, Mr Bell gather ideas for making science even better at Westerhope. We also shared what we already loved about our science lessons.
22.11.22 Early Years Gardening!
We spoke to Mrs Stokoe about her plans for the Early Years garden. She tasked us with replanting her pots ready for Spring! We worked as a team to plant lots of tulips.
We can't wait to see them grow.

11.11.22 Visit from Catherine McKinnell
As the faces of Westerhope Primary School, we gave local MP, Catherine McKinnell a tour of our school. We answered questions brilliantly and talked in depth about our learning journey at Westerhope.

8.11.22 Reception Parents Show Around!
We showed prospective Reception parents around school this week and shared all of our magical Early Years memories with them!
We spent time reviewing lots of applications for the new pupil committee posts.
We are excited to congratulate the successful applicants!

We made a difference to our school grounds by going on a litter pick! Mr Matthews (our wonderful caretaker) was very appreciative of our efforts and thanked us for helping him out.