Meet the Team
Our Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO)
Mrs McManus is our school SENDCo. Her role is to ensure that children with special educational needs and disabilities within our school receive the support they need.
Her role includes:
- Supporting the identification of children with special educational needs.
- Co-ordinating provision for children with SEN.
- Liaising with parents of children with SEN.
- Liaising with other providers, outside agencies, educational psychologists and external agencies.
- Ensuring that the school keeps the records of all pupils with SEN up to date.
If you have any thoughts, concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch:
Tel: 0191 267 4750
Our Pastoral Team
We have a fantastic Pastoral Team who work together to provide support, challenge and nurture for all our children. The team consists of Mrs Wyld (Pastoral Lead) and Mrs Hanlon (Behaviour Support Officer).
Our Pastoral team liaises with teachers and pupils to ensure our pupils' needs are met. Mrs Wyld coordinates our pastoral support and is always on hand to talk to pupils and parents about any concerns they have with welfare or care. Mrs Hanlon is responsible for supporting the behaviours of our pupils around school. She works to increase access to the curriculum for pupils who sometimes find this tricky.
Our Senior Designated Mental Health Lead
This is Mrs Dawes. It is her responsibility to develop a whole school approach to the support of Mental Health and wellbeing. She supports our staff to make sure they can recognise the signs and symptoms of mental health needs in pupils and know what to do if they have a concern.
Our SEND Link Governor
Joanne Lowes is our SEND Link Governor. She is responsible for monitoring this important area of school life on behalf of the Westerhope Local Governing Body. She reports to the full GB and also in additional meetings where our SEND is scrutinised. These meetings are responsible for supporting and challenging our senior staff so that SEND provison continues to develop.