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Westerhope Primary School

Reach the stars through learning - Everyone is special and unique

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Our School Charity

As a school, one of our values is to 'make a difference' and impact positively on people in our community. 

Our Vision and Values | Westerhope Primary School 


For this school year of 2024-45, as a school we have decided to spread our charity kindness across many local charities this year aka

'Kindness in the Community'

Our kindness ambassadors/pupil committee are looking forward to spreading kindness in the community! We have so many exciting plans, such as visit our local elderly care home, make ‘kindness baskets’ for our school neighbours, create a ‘Christmas food hamper’ for our local food bank FairShare and so much more across the year! Keep an eye on our Facebook page and family newsletters (latest one in link below) to celebrate the difference we can make when we action with kindness and empathy!



The charity chosen for 2023/34  is:




Changing Lives is a nationwide charity helping people facing challenging times to make positive change - for good’


We are really excited to support this charity. They have a base in Newcastle and this year we are working closely with their local team to explore ways in which our Westerhope school community can support them. 



Previously we have supported:


- Heel and Toe North East Children's Charity -Heel & Toe Children's Charity ( 

- Tiny Lives Trust (We raised £1268.97) Tiny Lives Trust

- Newcastle Cat and Dog Shelter Newcastle Dog & Shelter – Saving lives in the North East (