Art & Design
At Westerhope Primary School, we believe Art and Design is a vital means of creative expression, enabling children to explore ideas, emotions, and observations using a variety of materials. Our curriculum aims to nurture creativity and imagination providing a safe and supportive environment where children are encouraged to experiment, take risks, and develop their practical skills. We aim to foster a deep appreciation of art and its cultural significance, whilst also encouraging children to make meaningful connections between art and other areas of learning.
Our Art and Design curriculum is based on the National Curriculum, focusing on four key aims: producing creative work, becoming proficient in art techniques, evaluating creative works, and understanding the historical and cultural development of art forms. Across each phase, children study six pathways encompassing drawing, painting, collage, printing, and three-dimensional work, with stimuli drawn from a variety of artworks to inspire discussions and creative responses.
Long-term and medium-term plans, provided by Access Art, guide the progression of art experiences across year groups, ensuring coverage of diverse mediums and artists. Children explore formal elements of art such as pattern, colour, texture, and shape, building vocabulary and skills as they progress through school. Sketchbooks provide a space for experimentation, idea development and reflection.
Children's artwork is displayed in classrooms and corridors, showcasing both the creative process and finished pieces. Opportunities for collaborations with local artists enrich learning experiences, while also fostering an appreciation for cultural heritage and diversity. Through our structured and engaging curriculum, we aim to encourage children to express themselves creatively and develop a lifelong love and understanding of art.